onsdag 31 juli 2019

“The Opioid Epidemic” became “ The Propoxyphene-Epidemic” that later became “The Heroin-Fentanyl Epidemic

Consumption of the six Principal Narcotic Drugs from 1956 - 2016 (Main source INCB, 2012 - 2019). These drugs are: Codeine, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Methadone, Fentanyl and Propoxyphene (DXP) http://bit.ly/2YnXYfv

We want to change focus on the present opioid epidemic: Propoxyphene (DXP) was on the US market more than 40 years before Oxycodone, Hydrocodone amd Fentannyl were available - which were at sales 1996 and 1999.   http://bit.ly/2Y48NI5

We have studied the painkilling substance Propoxyphene (Darvon and Darvocet) for more than 25 years, some of our results:  http://bit.ly/2ZbqCBH

FDA is a highly part of the opioid epidemic: Ther are involved in the FDA decisions from 1957 - 2016 for both DXP, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and Fentanyl.  http://bit.ly/2YrCxhp

FDA 1. (FDA Docket 2006:0090) http://bit.ly/2TRxBAQ  FDA-commissioner Dr von Eisenbach was informed about our data already in Sept. 2006 - four years before Darvon-DXP was banned in the US - Nov.2010.  http://bit.ly/2JUhHzc

FDA 2. The following persons have been FDA commissioners during some years - when Propoxyphene, Fentanyl. Methadone, Oxycodone and Hydrocodone were approved.  http://bit.ly/2Mh3z4Q

FDA 3. Search for a new analgesic drug - Eli Lilly found on after four hundred and fifty  (450) compounds  http://bit.ly/2Ol0IKO

FDA 4. When FDA approved  a drug - the usually doesn´t accept a laboratory report - I do hope so - as the did with ELi Lilly, April 25th 1953. That´s how Propoxyphene was approved http://bit.ly/2MdFCv7

 FDA 5. The FDA does not care about outside researchers, they listen most tom their own employees, who more often are MDs than PhDs. Just saying  http://bit.ly/2LJ11wC 

The Legal section: Eli Lilly - Lawyers - Plaintiffs and as Federal Judge http://bit.ly/30WuXca 

How MHRA ( Medicines & Healtcare Regulatory Agency) in the UK acted befored deciding how to do wíth DXP, that is, obtaining a scientific basis for its decisions - FDA didn´t  http://bit.ly/30TpXFp

Hearing about DXP in the US congress - we have read the report from 1980  http://bit.ly/2YpcMyp

Dear Friends. I have sent you som tweets tha last days. Thea are quite new, I have published lots of data in my MasterClass report. Do you want to know more???   http://bit.ly/2xSr3Ex 

Why were there no trials about DXP in US? No damages to no victims. Vague data in DXP in the US did not work in the courtrooms. Forensic facts - as in Sweden - could have given completely different results in the court. http://bit.ly/2MiIA1e

Three waves caused the opioid epidemic - but our waves are different than  others. We think DXP was the main problem  http://bit.ly/2Gz4Dxg 

It is real people that are poisoned to death - they´re not just numbers - they have mothers and dads, brothers and friends.  http://bit.ly/2MgzUIU

The Jonasson Factor, I have found out a method to estimate the numbers fo fatalities die to DXP - if you have figures on the consumption of DXP - which i have and have had in many years  http://bit.ly/32QGsnm 

Florida Department of Law Enforcement - Drugs identified in Deceased persons by Florida Medical Examiner, year 2001- 2012 http://bit.ly/2YjAJXZ 

Los Angeles County Departmant of Coroner Annual Report. Prescription Drug Categories (Drugs by Classification) years 2003 - 2010   http://bit.ly/32LPFgG

I got in contact with the director for CDC in US, Dr Tom Frieden, about Propoxyphene  http://bit.ly/32PZ8nb

torsdag 4 juli 2019

Nora Volkow, NIDA and I started to discuss one of the opioids – Propoxyphene – 15 years ago. The works goes on but I want to highlight DXP's great debt to today's horrific epidemic.

The great lady in ths photo is Nora Volkow, MD, one of the most well-known researchers in the USA and the whole world. She is director of NIDA I Washington DC US - The National Institute of Drug Abuse - since 2003 in US.   

This woman ended up in the Times World List 2007 - 100 most influential people this year, she is a researcher studying how the brain reacts to different kinds of drugs, she is also the head of the national group NIDA - National Institute on Drug Abuse - Nora Volkov, one of the most prestigious assignments in drug research in the United States.

I was quite happy to meet her at her office in the DC area, the day was November 14th2004. The reason that I remember that day is that Yassir Arafat – the leader of PLO - died that in France, writes Wikipedia.

We had as very interesting discussion about the opioids, one special drug - namely ( Dextro) Propoxyphene.  None of us could then have had the idea that this discussion of opiates would continue today - almost fifteen years after our meeting. In the United States, this crisis is called "The Opioid Epidemic" - which would have begun in the late 1990s.

I have recently been working to change this approach. I believe that the current crisis started already in 1957 with Propoxyphene. The development has been catastrophic and now I think it is more appropriate to be called this crisis for "The Heroin and the Fentanyl crisis"

I have data that shows that DXP was on the US market more than 40 years before the other opioids – Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and Fentanyl.

In that very part of the opiate issue, we are not completely at par. However, we fully agree that the current crisis, which in 2017 required more than 70,000 victims of death, be the majority of opiates Heroin - which is mainly smuggled in from Mexico and Fentanyl where an enormous smuggling takes place from China.

The fact that Nora Volkow had a very varied life is evident, for example, from the following lines:

She is the great-granddaughter to the Russian revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky, and she grow up in the house where her great grandfather Leo Trotsky was killed, 1940, just 60 year. This house is now a museum.