fredag 30 juni 2017

Ulf & Birgitta Jonasson, PhDs; Our CV July 2017

Curriculum Vitae

Birgitta Jonasson, PhD (Medicine), MA (Pychology)  and Ulf Jonasson, PhD (Public Health) MA (Journalism).  Stortorget 6, SE- 641 30 Katrineholm, Sweden                                                                                 
Phone: +4615010290, +46730232600 - Email:

Education of Birgitta Jonasson (BJ): 

Ph.D. The Department of Forensic Medicine, Uppsala University, Sweden. 2000
Diploma in Psychotherapy, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, Sweden. 1983
Master of Science in psychology, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, Sweden. 1975
Master of Arts. Faculty of Social Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden. 1972

Certifications and licensing of BJ: 

Board Certified Specialist in Clinical Psychology. 1995            
Certified Supervisor in psychotherapy. 1986
Licensed Psychotherapist. 1985
Licensed Psychologist. 1978

Education of Ulf Jonasson (UJ):

Dr in Public Health. The Nordic School of Public Health, NHV. 2001
B.S. Uppsala University, Sweden. 1997
College of Journalism, Stockholm, Sweden. 1988 
College of Journalism, Gothenburg, Sweden. 1969-1971

Memberships and engagements of UJ:

Offices as a Local Politician in Uppsala 2002-2005 
and in Katrineholm 2005-2008, and 2011- 

Membership of the following associations

Rotary International – Katrineholm Sweden
The Swedish Society of Medicine 

Swedish Journalist Association (SJA)
SJA for seniors
The Swedih Press Club ( Publicistklubben) in Sweden

Research Area for BJ and UJ

Prevalence of dependence of prescribed drugs among certain categories, such as persons on sick leave, and in normal population.

Fatalities due to use or misuse of prescribed drugs, especially dextropropoxyphene (DXP)

Early detection of alcohol problems and/or dependence/misuse of prescribed drugs among patients visiting Public Health or Primary Care.

Assessment and diagnostic of dependence and misuse of alcohol/prescribed drugs.  

Professional experience of BJ:

Got retired from the National Insurance Board in 2007 and is since then busy in the own company (Jonasson & Jonasson HB), primarily in assignments as Senior Adviser and in giving lectures.

Employment at the National Social Insurance BoardDepartment of Research, Evaluation and Statistics as a Senior Researcher in 2001.

Started a Company, Jonasson & Jonasson HB, in 1991 together with Ulf Jonasson, with focus on Education and Research within the alcohol- and drug area. This company is still run.

During the years 1973-2001 she ran a Private Psychologist Practice as a Psychotherapist, Supervisor, and Head Consultant).

During the years 2006 - 2013 she worked as a supervisor for private as well as public authorities.

Professional experience of UJ:

Freelance journalist 1971-1991.

Since 1991 he is active in the own company, Jonasson & Jonasson HB, within the area of education, research, and journalism.

Since 2001 he has been engaged in extensive information activities and lobbying to influence rules and regulations, when it comes to the prescription of DXP in Sweden as well as internationally. The goal has been a complete withdrawal of DXP from the world market.

Books and reports of BJ and/or UJ:

Jonasson U, Jonasson B. Beroendeskapande läkemedel – ett folkhälsoproblem som ökar. Statens Folkhälsoinstitut. Rapport nr A2006:05

Jonasson B, Jonasson U. Restriktioner i förskrivningen av Dextropropoxifen (DXP) – effekter av försäljning och förgiftning. Läkemedelsverkets och Rättsmedicinalverkets hemsidor (svensk respektive engelsk version). Uppsala 2004

Jonasson U, Jonasson B. Restrictions on the prescribing of dextropropoxyphene (DXP) – effects on sales and cases of fatal poisoning. Report written on behalf of Rättsmedicinal-verket (National Board of Forensic Medicine) and Läkemedelsverket (Medical Products Agency) in co-operation with Riksförsäkringsverket (National Social Insurance Board) and Giftinformationscentralen (Swedish Poisons Information Centre)

Jonasson B. Sjukskrivna och vanebildande läkemedel. Användning och beroende av centralt verkande smärtstillande, sömn- och lugnande medel bland sjukskrivna. RFV Analyserar 2003:13. Riksförsäkringsverket, Stockholm 2003.

Jonasson B, Jonasson U. Känner du någon som dricker för mycket? Frågor och svar. SBU – Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering, Apoteket AB, Stockholm 2002.

Eklund M, Jonasson B, Sundén A. Sjukskrivnas syn på hälsa och arbete. RFV analyserar 2002:16. Riksförsäkringsverket, Stockholm

Jonasson B. Karakteristika hos personer som är sjukskrivna och arbetslösa. RFV redovisar 2002:1, Riksförsäkringsverket 2002, Stockholm

Holmberg et al. Lugnande medel som oroar. Kapitel 3, 7 och 8. Rättsmedicinalverkets rapportserie 2002:1, Fritzes, Stockholm

Socialförsäkringsboken 2001. Kapitlet ”Kraftfullt åldrande – tänkbara scenarier. Riksförsäkringsverket 2001, Stockholm

Jonasson B, Jonasson U. Fatalities due to use or misuse of pain-killers containing dextropropoxyphene, RMV-rapport 2001:1

Jonasson B. Studies on dextropropoxyphene - with special reference to dependence among chronic pain patients, classification of the manner of death in fatal poisoning, and characteristics of the fatal poisoning victims. Dissertation from the Faculty of Medicine. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala 2000. ISBN 91-554-4729-5.

Jonasson U. Studier av bruket av dextropropoxifen ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv. Påverkan av ett regelverk. (Studies on the use of dextropropoxyphene from the aspect of public health. Influende on at regulatory framework). Dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Public Health. The Nordisc School och Public health. Gothenburg. Sweden, 2001. ISBN 91-694798-43-2

Jonasson U och B. Dödsfall genom bruk och missbruk av värktabletter. Rättsmedicinal-verkets rapportserie RMV- Rapport 1999:1, Fritzes, Stockholm. ISBN 91-38-31513-0.

Jonasson B and Jonasson U. Fatalities due to use or misuse of painkillers. The Natgional Board of Forensic Medicines in Sweden . RMV-Report 2001;1. ISBN 91-38-31848-2

Jonasson B, Leo-Andersson A. Tidig upptäckt av alkohol- och drogproblem. Brevskolans utbildningsförlag, Stockholm, 1995. Andra upplagan 1997.

Jonasson U. Droger som kan skapa beroende. Brevskolans utbildningsförlag, Stockholm, 1995

Jonasson B, Jonasson U. Alkoholrelaterad sjukvårdskonsumtion, tidig diagnostik och interventioner inom primär-vård och allmän sjukvård, PM, SBU, Stockholm, 1992.

Papers and abstracts:

Jonasson B, Saldeen T. Citalopram in fatal poisoning casesForensic Sci Int 2002;28:1-6.

Jonasson B. Dextropropoxifen - Beroende och ofrivilliga dödsfall orsakat av vanligt smärtstillande medel. Incitament 2000;6:543–548.

Jonasson U. Dextropropoxifen – ett skandinaviskt perspektiv. Incitament nr 7/2000;645-648.

Jonasson B. Karakteristika hos personer som är sjukskrivna och arbetslösa. RFV redovisar 2002:1, Riksförsäkringsverket 2002, Stockholm

Jonasson U, Jonasson B, Saldeen T, Thuen F. The prevalence of analgesics containing dextropropoxyphene or codeine in individuals suspected of driving under influence. Forensic Sci Int2000;112:163-169.

Jonasson U, Jonasson B, Saldeen T. Middle-aged men - a risk category regarding fatal poisoning due to dextropropoxyphene and alcohol in combination. Prev Med 2000;31:103-6.

Jonasson B, Jonasson U, Saldeen T. Among fatal poisonings dextropropoxyphene predominates in younger people, antidepressants in the middle aged and sedatives in the elderly. J Forensic Sci  45 (2000) 7-10.

Jonasson U, Jonasson B, Saldeen T. Förekomst av dextropropoxifen bland drograttfyllerister, 1992-97. Poster vid Riksstämman för läkare, Älvsjö 1999.

Jonasson B. PM angående klassifikation av dödssätt vid självförvållad död, med särskild betoning på dödlig förgiftning. Rättsmedicinalverket, Stockholm, 1999.

Jonasson U, Jonasson B, Saldeen T. Correlation between prescription of various dextropropoxyphene preparations and their involvement in fatal poisonings. Forensic Sci Int 103 (1999) 125-132.

Jonasson B, Jonasson U, Saldeen T. Suicides may be over-reported and accidents under-reported among fatalities due to dextropropoxyphene. J Forensic Sci 44 (1999) 334-338.

Jonasson B, Jonasson U, Holmgren P, Saldeen T. Fatal poisoning where ethyl-morphine from antitussive medications contributed to death. Int J Legal Medicine 112 (1999) 299-302.

Jonasson B. Jonasson U, Saldeen T. The manner of death among fatalities where dextropropoxyphene caused or contributed to death. Forensic Sci Int 96 (1998) 181-187.

Jonasson U Jonasson B, Andersson E, Wickström L, T. Saldeen.Analgesic use disorders among orthopaedic and chronic pain patients at a rehabilitation clinic. Substance Use and Misuse 33 (1998) 1-11.

Jonasson U, Jonasson B, Holmgren P, Saldeen T. The prevalence of dextropropoxyphene in a Swedish autopsy material. Forensic Sci. Int 96 (1998) 135-142.

Jonasson U, Jonasson B, Saldeen T. Hög förekomst av dextropropoxifen i ett rättsmedicinskt material, Poster vidriksstämman för läkare, Älvsjö, 1997.

Jonasson U, Jonasson B., Saldeen T. Förekomst av alkohol, paracetamol och bensodiazepiner i ett rättsmedicinskt material, Poster vid riksstämman för läkare, Älvsjö, 1997.

Jonasson B, Jonasson U, Ekselius L, von Knorring L. The feasibility of a new intake routine to assess substance use disorders by means of a structured interview. General Hospital Psychiatry 19 (1997) 36-41.

Jonasson U, Jonasson B, Kartläggning av alkohol- drogmissbruk hos patienter vårdade på ortopedavdelning med diagnosinstrumentet ADDIS. Poster vid riksstämman för läkare, Älvsjö, 1994.

Jonasson B, Jonasson U. Personal och patienter positiva till alkohol- och drogutfrågning. Poster vid riksstämman för läkare, Älvsjö, 1994.

Participation in congresses, conventions and other professional meetings.

Dependence of prescribed drugs among persons on sick leave. A presentation at the Public Health Conference, Stockholm, 2003. (BJ)

Research presentations at the Annual Convention of Medical Doctors in Sweden every year during the period of 1994-2001. (BJ, UJ) 

Suicides may be over-reported and accidents under-reported among fatalities due to dextropropoxyphene. A presentation at the XIV Nordic Congress in Forensic Medicine, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2000. (BJ)

The prevalence of fatal poisoning due to dextropropoxyphene.  A comparison between the periods 1992-96 and 1997-99. A presentation at the XIV Nordic Congress in Forensic Medicine, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2000. (UJ)

Medical risks associated with the treatment of pain, conference convened by the Social Board, Stockholm, 1999. Two presentations. (BJ, UJ)

Classification of the manner of death at fatal dextropropoxyphene poisonings. Presentations at a conference arranged by the Scandinavian Pain Medicine Association, Fredensborg, Denmark, 1998. (BJ, UJ)

The prevalence of dextropropoxyphene in autopsy blood samples. A presentation at the XIII Nordic Congress in Forensic Medicine, Odense, Denmark, 1997. (UJ)

The implementation of a strategy for secondary alcohol prevention into Primary Care, Conference with the theme: The Role of Religion in Substance Abuse Prevention and Preventive education, Moscow, March 5 to 6 1996. (BJ, UJ)
Prevalence and diagnosis of analgesic dependence in pain patients, Nordic Workshop on analgesics and addiction, Copenhagen, 1996. (BJ, UJ)

The implementation of a strategy for secondary alcohol prevention into Primary Care, ICAA, Amsterdam, 1996. (UJ)
The implementation of a strategy for secondary prevention into Primary Care, John F. Kennedy University, 1995. (BJ, UJ)

Outreach activities – some examples 

Interviews and reportages of all kinds in social media (Newspapers, Magazines, Net News, TV, radio etc) during the years 1994-2011. Hundreds of different publications.

Press conference at the Foreign Office, 2004. Led to publications worldwide, e.g. in Turkey, Finland.

Initiation of Marit Paulsen, a Swedish member of the European Parliament to raise a question considering the dangers of DXP on basis of our research. Oral question no.10/03, the Committee on the environment, public health and consumer policy, Brussels, 2003. (BJ, UJ).

Presentations of research results concerning fatal poisoning due to dextropropoxyphene to the Swedish Parliament;

Lena Olsson (v) 1998/99:600 
Yvonne Oscarsson (v) 1999/2000:355 
Yvonne Oscarsson (v) 2001/02:328 

Sven-Erik Sjöstrand (v)2002/03:So410  
Cecilia Wikström (fp) ; 2004/04:385 

Visit to the United States in 2003 - Washington DC
Meeting at DEA, NIDA, Public Citizen and Senator Kennedys´s office in Washington (UJ)

Visit to the United States in 2004 - Washington DC
Meeting at DEA, NIDA, FDA, Public Citizen and Senator Kennedys´s office in Washington (UJ)

Visit to the United States in 2007 - Washington DC
Meeting with FDA and the Swedish Ambassador, Gunnar Lund

Visit to the United States in 2012 – Washington DC

Visit to the United States in 2013 - Washington DC

523 000 persons in the world could have been poisoned to death due to Propoxyphene during 1985 - 2011  

Letter one from Public Citizen to FDA about banning Darvon, 2006 (We are co-signers of the letter)

Letter two from Public Citizen to FDA about banning Darvon, 2009 (We are co-signers of the letter)

Interviewed concerning DXP fatalities in a Russian documentary film about the Pharma-ceutical Industry. Russian National television, Channel One, November, 2010.  Death on prescription” Russian TV-show where we are interviewed;
(We are in the program after 22 minutes)

Swedish TV during the last years: 

National TV

Video on YouTube.

Darvon, DIstalgesic and Co-proxamol are the worst drugs ever.

Some early Tweets:

We have worked since 1993 to stop the painkiller Darvon – containing propoxyphene – in US. Now it is done.

Who were responsible for the Darvon disaster during 45 years? Of course it was Eli Lilly. Go to

“Darvon and Darvocet trials will be bigger than Vioxx”, predicts Dr Ulf Jonasson –

Are we actually the Whistleblowers about banning Darvon) Judge for yourselves.

Eli Lilly has the moral responsibility for 100 000 deaths caused by Darvon since 1957. Time to pay

We are just two Davids against the Goliaths, “Big Pharma” is the enemy and we are winning the battle. 

Methadone kills lots of people, dextropropoxyphene kills even more, go to  and

Thousands have sued Eli Lilly et al. about the danger of Darvon and Darvocet -  - 

Hundreds of trials – about the painkillers Darvon and Darvocet - will soon start in Lexington, Kentrucky, 
Facebook – Ulf Jonasson

An invitation of the Governor of the County of Södermanland to be guests at the annual banquet dedicated to persons who in different ways have been prominent during the last year. The Residence in Nyköping, Sweden, April, 2010. (BJ, UJ)

An invitation from the Swedish Ambassador in USA, Gunnar Lund, to present our research.  The Swedish Embassy, Washington DC, June, 2007. (UJ)

An invitation to a private audience with the Swedish Queen, Her Royal Highness Silvia, to present our work with alcohol- and drugs and to have the honor to give her the two books we wrote in the subject in 1995. The audience lasted for an hour. The Royal Palace, Stockholm, Sweden, 1995. (BJ, UJ) (The Queen, who is very interested in the research field of drugs, has since then been kept informed of the results of our research concerning dextropropoxyphene.)

Invited to the local Rotary club to inform about” David against the Goliaths and

Updated tweets: 

Some of my most important tweets are about Darvon - Darvocet (DextroPropoxyphene) fatalities

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