Så kom då äntligen besked om att det ryska TV-program som vi medverkade i – det som spelades in den 21 jan i år – har sänts – i tisdags i den ryska televisionens Channel One, den stora kanalen som har med än 20% av tittarna. Programmet har fått den tämligen provocerande titeln ” Döden på recept”. Tack vare nutida teknik – bl a med översättningsprogram - har jag kunnat se att det har flaggats en hel del för programmet.
Det sända programmet var 48 minuter långt, den första version som vi fick i somras var 52 minuter. Det framgår därmed tydligt att producenterna Indigo har varit tvungna att korta programmet med ca 4 minuter – sannolikt pressad av ledningen för Channel One som var inkopplad tidigt i produktionen. Detta är alltså den direkta orsaken att det dröjt så länge innan programmet kunde sändas.
Vi fick redan i somras veta att det var stora diskussioner kring programmet. Världens största läkemedelföretag – Pfizer – som också medverkar i filmen - uppgavs vara mycket negativa till hur de framställdes i denna dokumentär, och företagsledningen pressade både Channel One och produktionsbolaget att filmen skulle redigeras om. Uppenbarligen har så skett. Vårt inslag – på knappa fyra minuter – har inte förändrats. Dock är vi lika kritiska till det läkemedelsföretag – Eli Lilly – som syntetiserade/uppfann Dextropropoxifen – men de har för vana att varken medverka i media eller i TV-program. I konsekvens med detta har de inte heller några synpunkter på hur de framställs i ex TV. Vi kommer in i bild efter ca 22 minuter.
Vad säger vi egentligen i programmet??
Vi fick ett mail från Alla som jobbar på produktionsbolaget Indigo;
Dear Ulf and Birgitta,
Hope you are well!
So I have translated your part of the film. Please see it below. I hope it is understandable ))
Ulf: It entered the market in 1957. In the middle of sixties it was the most popular and widespread medicine of that time. But already in the beginning of sixties they knew that it was a dangerous medicine.
Voice-over: This married couple are the scientists in medicine. They were first who gave the alarm when found out that thousands of people die annually after taking inoffensive pain killer produced by the company Lilly.
Birgitta: We started our investigation, we found those people. It became serious for us after we had read 1600 files and found out about all that tragic deaths. And then there was a struggle against the pharmacological companies and agencies.
Voice-over: The struggle which took years and which was accompanied by tens of thousands victims considers Ulf Jonasson. But the company Eli Lilly didn`t want to stop selling the profitable medicine. Meanwhile during the 17-year of struggle the scientists became the collectors of the typical horrific stories with a terrible end.
Birgitta: For example, there was a guy who found several pills in a cupboard at a party. He mixed them with beer. In the morning he wanted to eat cereals. So he sat down to watch a sport tv program with a plate of cereals and died. His mother entered the room and found him dead.
Voice-over: Inspite of the prohibition of the medicine in Sweden the company Eli Lilly continues to produce and sell the pain killer which contains dextropropoxyphene.
Birgitta: This medicine is still used in the USA and in many other parts of the world. It is being sold in the quantity of 3200000 kilograms a year around the world. It kills 10 000 people a year.
Voice-over: The medicine is being withdrawn from circulation in Europe but it is still used in Russia. Partially the reason is in our system of clinical trials. In Russia they don`t carry out a blood test on a perished person. So if a bad medicine was the cause of the death nobody will know. And the most important is that in Russia the clinical trials are being conducted by the same company which produces it.
Hope you are well!
So I have translated your part of the film. Please see it below. I hope it is understandable ))
Ulf: It entered the market in 1957. In the middle of sixties it was the most popular and widespread medicine of that time. But already in the beginning of sixties they knew that it was a dangerous medicine.
Voice-over: This married couple are the scientists in medicine. They were first who gave the alarm when found out that thousands of people die annually after taking inoffensive pain killer produced by the company Lilly.
Birgitta: We started our investigation, we found those people. It became serious for us after we had read 1600 files and found out about all that tragic deaths. And then there was a struggle against the pharmacological companies and agencies.
Voice-over: The struggle which took years and which was accompanied by tens of thousands victims considers Ulf Jonasson. But the company Eli Lilly didn`t want to stop selling the profitable medicine. Meanwhile during the 17-year of struggle the scientists became the collectors of the typical horrific stories with a terrible end.
Birgitta: For example, there was a guy who found several pills in a cupboard at a party. He mixed them with beer. In the morning he wanted to eat cereals. So he sat down to watch a sport tv program with a plate of cereals and died. His mother entered the room and found him dead.
Voice-over: Inspite of the prohibition of the medicine in Sweden the company Eli Lilly continues to produce and sell the pain killer which contains dextropropoxyphene.
Birgitta: This medicine is still used in the USA and in many other parts of the world. It is being sold in the quantity of 3200000 kilograms a year around the world. It kills 10 000 people a year.
Voice-over: The medicine is being withdrawn from circulation in Europe but it is still used in Russia. Partially the reason is in our system of clinical trials. In Russia they don`t carry out a blood test on a perished person. So if a bad medicine was the cause of the death nobody will know. And the most important is that in Russia the clinical trials are being conducted by the same company which produces it.
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