måndag 19 augusti 2019

FDA is a highly part of the opioid epidemic; They are involved in FDA decisions from 1957 - 2016 for both DXP, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and Fentanyl.

FDA 1      

FDA Docket 2006-0090 http://bit.ly/2TRxBAQ, FDA commissioner Dr  von Eisenback was informed about our data already in Sept 2006 – four years before Darvon-DXP was banned in USA in Nov 19th 2010.

FDA 2     

The following persons have been FDA commissioners during some years when Propoxyphene, Fentanyl, Methadone, Oxycodone and Hydrocodone were accepted. http://bit.ly/2MqWyis

FDA 3  
Search for a new analgesic – Eli Lilly found one after four hundred and fifty (450 compounds.

FDA 4        

When FDA approves a drug, they usually don´t accept a laboratory report as they did with Eli Lilly, April 25th 1953. That´s how Propoxyphene was approved.

FDA 5.     

The FDA doesn´t care about outside researchers, they listen more to their own employees, who more often are MDs than PhDs. Just saying

FDA 6 + The Legal Section

Why were there no trials about DXP in US? No damages to thousands of victims? Vague forensic data - in the FDA article - does not work in the court. Forensic facts - as in Sweden - would have given completely different results in the court for the plaintiffs.

FDA 7 + The Legal Section, 

Hearing about DXP in the US Congress, Propoxyphene – Oversight, May 21st 1980. Prescriptions for Propoxyphene, Rank Among Top 200 most Prescribed Drugs.  All is about DXP and Eli Lilly

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