onsdag 18 september 2013

523 000 persons in the world could have been poisoned to death due to Dextropropoxyphene (DXP) during 1985 - 2011


Press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC on September 10th 2013.

About 178 000 fatalities due to Darvon & Darvocet in US in 29 years.

About 134 000 fatalities in India between 1985-2011 (27) as a result of DXP use.

About 4,500 people died in Sweden as a result of DXP use during     the 24 years 1982-2005. 

The basic data in Drs Jonasson studies is from Forensic Medicine in Sweden (1) during the years 1992-1999 (8 years). The consumption of DXP in Sweden during the eight years was 19,185 kg, 2,398 kg per year. This can be broken down further to give the average consumption in kg per individual death; 2,398 kg a year caused 199 fatalities per year. For every 12,05 kg consumed one person died. 

The consumption in the world was during 1985-2011 a total of 6 282 620 kg, which could mean that  523 000 persons could have been poisoned to death. No consumption data 1957-1984 (28 years) were

We estimate that as many as around 178 000 persons in US can have been poisoned to death due to  the painkilling substance Propoxyphene during the years 1982-2010 (29 years).The best known  trademarks have been Darvon and Darvocet.

The consumption in kg of DXP during these years are 2 153 387 kg (2). An average consumption per year was 74 255 kg, and the number of fatalities during every year could be 74 255/12=6,188 people. 

The number of prescriptions on Propoxyphene during the years 2000-2010 (11 years) were 244 828 000 – average per year was 22 250 000 prescriptions (3). During the rest of the years when the drug was available - 1957-1981 - we have no figures on consumption or no prescription data in US.

India has been the second biggest consumer of Propoxyphene – next to the US – and when applying  the Swedish reference ratio of 12,05 kg DXP consumed fatality suggest that there have been 134 383 fatalities in India between 1985-2011 (27) as a result of DXP use. The consumption was 1,613,539, an average of 59,727 kg/year. This equates to an average of 4,977 fatalities a year.

During the year 1982–2005 (24 years) the consumption of DXP in Sweden amounted 48 639 kg.(1,2) Applying the Raito of 12.05 of DXP per fatality we estimate that some 4,503 people died as a result of DXP use during the 24 years 1982-2005. This equated to 162 people a year.

Banning the drug was first done in Sweden  in three stages from 2001 and March 2011, in UK the drug phased out from 2007, in EU (European Union, 27 countries) from 2009 – 2011, in US the drug was banned in November 2010 and in May  2013 the substance finally was banned in India. 

These data were presented at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC by Dr Ulf Jonasson, Sweden. Drs Ulf and Birgitta Jonasson have studied the painkilling substance Propoxyphene (DXP) more than 20 years and now – for the first time ever - presented comprehensive data from the years 1982 – 2010. 


1). Data from the National Board of Forensic Medicine. (Sweden). 

2). Data from INCB – International Narcotic Control Board – consumption figures about DXP during the years 1982 – 2010. (Vienna, Austria).

3). Data from DrugTopics, we use data from “Top 200 Generic Drug by Prescription from the years 2000 – 2011 about DXP. (US).

4). Data from Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) in Florida. We used data from ”Drugs identified in Deceased Persons by Florida Examiners”. (US) and from Los Angeles County Department of Coroner Annual Report. (US)

Ulf Jonasson, Doctor in Public Health and Birgitta Jonasson, Ph D

See also  and our CV http://bit.ly/NUSPQ4

tisdag 10 september 2013

Around 178 000 fatalities due to Darvon and Darvocet in US in 29 years


From my press conference Tues 10 th 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington DC


We estimate that as many as around 178 000 persons in US can have been poisoned to death due to the painkilling substance Propoxyphene during the years 1982-2010 (29 years).The best known trademarks have been Darvon and Darvocet.

The consumption in kg of DXP during these years are 2 153 387 kg (2). An average consumption per year was 74 255 kg, and the number of fatalities during every year could be 74 255/12=6,188 people.

The number of prescriptions on Propoxyphene during the years 2000-2010 (11 years) were 244 828 000 – average per year was 22 250 000 prescriptions (3). During the rest of the years when the drug was available - 1957-1981 - we have no figures on consumption or no prescription data in US.

These data was presented at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC by Dr Ulf Jonasson, Sweden. Drs Ulf and Birgitta Jonasson have studied the painkilling substance Propox-yphene (DXP) more than 20 years and now – for the first time ever - presented comprehensive data from the years 1982 – 2010.

During the year 1982–2005 (24 years) the consumption of DXP in Sweden amounted 48 639 kg.(1,2) Applying the Raito of 12.05 of DXP per fatality we estimate that some 4,503 people died as a result of DXP use during the 24 years 1982-2005. This equated to 162 people a year.
India has been the second biggest consumer of Propoxyphene – next to the US – and when applying the Swedish reference ratio of 12,05 kg DXP consumed fatality suggest that there have been 134 383 fatalities in India between 1985-2011 (27) as a result of DXP use. The consumption was 1,613,539, an average of 59,727 kg/year. This equates to an average of 4,977 fatalities a year.
The basic data in Drs Jonasson studies is from Forensic Medicine in Sweden during the years 1992-1999 (8 years). The consumption of DXP in Sweden during the eight years was 19,185 kg, 2,398 kg per year. This can be broken down further to give the average consumption in kg per individual death; 2,398 kg a year caused 199 fatalities per year. For every 12,05 kg consumed one person died.
Propoxyphene is now banned in most parts of the world. Banning the drug was first done in Sweden in three stages from 2001 and March 2011, in UK the drug phased out from 2007, in EU (European Union, 27 countries) from 2009 – 2011, in US the drug was banned in November 2010 and in May 2013 the substance finally was banned in India.
The consumption in the world was during 1985-2011 a total of 6 282 620 kg, which could mean that 523 000 persons could have been poisoned to death. No consumption data 1957-1984 (28 years) were available. 
Sources: 1). Data from the National Board of Forensic Medicine. (Sweden). 2) Data from INCB – International Narcotic Control Board – consumption figures about DXP during the years 1982 – 2010. (Vienna, Austria).3) Data from DrugTopics, we use data from “Top 200 Generic Drug by Prescription from the years 2000 – 2011 about DXP. (US). 4). Data from Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) in Florida. We used data from ”Drugs identified in Deceased Persons by Florida Examiners”. (US) and from Los Angeles County Department of Coroner Annual Report. (US)
Ulf Jonasson, Doctor in Public Health                                            Birgitta Jonasson, PhD

onsdag 4 september 2013

Press conference about Darvon - Darvocet at The National Press Club in DC‏ Sept, 10th

In Re: Darvocet, Darvon and Propoxyphene Products Liability Litigation MDL 2226 
Dear Sirs,
I hereby inform you that I will give a press conferenc about the painkilling substance (Dextro) Propoxyphene (DXP) - Darvon and Darvocet - Tues 9/10 at 10 AM at the National Press Club in Washington DC - in the Bloomberg Room.
The press conference will start with a lecture - titled:
 " Estimating Excess Mortality from Dextropropoxyphene (DXP) use/prescriptions in the USA between 1982 - 2010, Sweden between 1982 - 2005 and India between 1985 -2011" by Ulf Jonasson, Doctor in Public Health and Birgitta Jonasson, PhD
This is the first time ever that anyone tries to estimate the number of fatalities due to Dextropropoxyphene over time. The figures for the US - are extremely interesting - and I will present data for the years 1982-2010 (29 years) for the US, and also some very interesting data about India and Sweden.
As I said before - no one else has the data we have. Interesting isn´t? 
I will give a press conference at The National Press Club in DC Tues 9/10 at 10 AM about Propoxyphene  
I hope to see you at the press conference.
Kind Regards
Ulf Jonasson
Ulf Jonasson
Doctor in Public Health (DrPH) and Journalist
Lövdalsvägen 5, SE-640 20 Björkvik, Sweden
Phone:+46(0)155 714 55 Cellphone:+46(0)730 23 26 00

tisdag 3 september 2013

Darvon, Darvocet are fatal drugs

September 10, 2013 10:00 AM
News conferences Add to calendar
Location: Bloomberg Room

For the first time ever, one researcher will present – and estimate - the number of fatal poisonings in the United States due to the drugs Darvon and Darvocet - which contains the substance Propoxy-phene.

We have got these data from a number of databases in several countries and are now able to present startling data.

Eli Lilly introduced the drug in the U.S. in 1957 and it became a best-selling drug over the years. Hardly any painkillers have caused so many deadly poisonings as these have done and it took a very long time – to 2010 – before the drug was banned. Now the drug is banned all over the world.

If you wonder how many fatalities the drug caused during all these years, we will give you some answers.....

Two Swedish researchers – Drs Ulf & Birgitta Jonasson - have worked 20 year to stop the drug, and now it is done. Ulf Jonasson - Doctor in Public Health - will now present these amazing results at the National Press Club.

How many fatal poisonings can Darvon/Darvocet have caused in the US over the years 1982 - 2010? (29 years). Darvon is an opioid, related to Methadone. During the years 2000-2010 there were 244 828 000 prescriptions of the substance in USA. The consumption in kg during the same time was 923 635 kg
The inhabitants in US consumed 80% of all painkillers in the world during one year, and US has 4,5% of all inhabitants in the wold. How could that be possible?

Hundreds of trails will soon start in Kentucky…..

If you want more information about the press-conference please contact me;