söndag 22 december 2013

5 227 kg of Propoxyphene was prescribed on license in US during 2011

New data from INCB - The international Narcotic Control Board in Vienna – has been released. We are interested of the data from two countries namely USA and India. In spite of the banning there have been some prescriptions on Propoxyphene under license. It turned out to be 5 227 kg for the year 2011,  which can be considered a relatively high figure. It can also be said that the strongest resistance to the Propoxyphene was withdrawn would exist in the United States.

The prescriptions on Propoxyphene - written on the license - should decline significantly in the coming year - ie, 2012. The total prescription in the world was 142 430 kg.

Since US banned Propoxyphene in November 2010, India has became to largest consumer. In 2011 India consumed 92% of the world consumption of Propoxyphene. Even in 2012 India will have the highest consumption, but in the spring 2013 even India banned the drug.

From the year 2007 to 2011 the total consumption in the world was reduced from 285 865  kg to 142 430, around 50 %. We can estimate the world consumption the year 2012 to a few thousand kg.

Lots of lives has been saved in the US thanks to the banning on Propoxyphene, according to data from Florida.

During the five last years – from 2008 to 2012 – the numbers of occurrences by propoxyphene in Florida at the FDLE - Florida Department of Law Enforcement - have been reduced 17 times from 322 notes in 2008 occurrences to 19 notes - a reduction of 94% - during the five years.

It is well known that the substance Propoxyophene was banned in US on  November 19 th 2010 and in the year 2010 there were 224 occurrences of propoxyphene in the FDLE´s autopsy data.

In the year 2011 the notes was 32 occurrences and 2012 were there 19 - as mentioned. The last two years there was no legal sale from the substance, but apparently quite some people had saved some pills - as there still were fatalities

We can assume that the numbers of fatalities will be even lower thanks to the banning.

The reduction was 94%  as I have mentioned - which is a very large reduction, showing that hundreds of lives have been saved in the whole US from the years 2008 to 2012.

torsdag 19 december 2013

"Swedish Doctor Warned FDA of Darvon/Darvocet Side Effects in 1999"


Years before the November 2010 FDA recall of the drug propoxyphene that led to the proliferation of Darvon and Darvocet lawsuits, a Swedish physician was warning of the dangers of propoxyphene products, calling them, “the worst drugs ever.” That same doctor also believes that Darvocet litigation could become bigger than Vioxx, the maker of which (Merck) paid $4.85 billion to settle the cases against it in 2008.
While the FDA may have only recently ordered the withdrawal of all products containing propoxyphene, controversy surrounding the painkiller dates back to the 1970s, when the group Public Citizen first petitioned the United States government to ban the drug. Ulf Jonasson, a Doctor of Public Health in Sweden, visited the U.S. in 2003 and 2004, meeting with doctors at Public Citizen, which issued a second petition for pro-poxyphene’s ban in 2006. Jonasson and his wife (Birgitta Jonasson, PhD) have been researching Darvon and Darvocet side effects since 1993. “We have researched Darvon side effects since 1993, and Public Citizen has worked hard to ban the drug before that,” said Jonasson. “There could have been hundreds of thousands of deaths due to Darvon and Darvocet over the past 50 years.”
Jonasson has published a number of reports about deaths caused by dextropropoxyphene (what the drug is referred to in Europe), and his efforts helped create new prescription regulations for the drug in Sweden in 2001. According to Jonasson, the new measures resulted in a decrease in dextropropoxyphene product sales by 66 percent, and a reduction in fatal dextropropoxyphene overdoses by 62 percent in Sweden during the following years.
Jonasson states that his research led to decisions by numerous countries to ban propoxyphene outright. “Our research was behind the decision in Sweden, the UK, and the European Union (EU) to stop using the drug but it took a lot longer in the US.”
Quite a bit longer, in fact. The EU announced a ban of propoxyphene nearly 1. 5 years prior to the FDA’s announcement, and the UK banned the drug in 2005. Public Citizen believes that had the FDA issued a recall at the same time the UK did, 1,000 to 2,000 U.S. lives could have been saved.
Jonasson says that, “Since 1999 we have informed the FDA about our research, and they know about our eight scientific articles about DXP and our two doctoral dissertations…” Explaining why the FDA may have waited so long to recall propoxyphene, he explains that, “We believe the FDA is influenced very much by the drug companies, and we know that Eli Lilly, the Darvon manufacturer (the original manufacturer; Darvon and Darvocet are currently manufactured by Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals, Inc.), has known about Darvon side effects for many years.”
Many plaintiffs have actually filed charges against both Xanodyne and Eli Lilly, alleging that the companies knew about Darvon and Darvocet’s severe, life-threatening side effects, but failed to take action. If you suffered a heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, or other cardiac injury, or a loved one suffered a fatal overdose from propoxyphene, you may be able to file a lawsuit seeking compensation for your losses. The Rottenstein Law Group, a firm with more than 25 years of experience in product liability law, is currently providing complimentary case reviews. To have your Darvon/Darvocet lawsuit evaluated for free, just fill out this form or call 1 (888) 976-8529.

onsdag 27 november 2013

Lambertz: Det är skönt att i stället ha rätt

Såhär skrev Göran Lambertz i måndags på sin Facebook sida:

"Laddar för Veckans Brott om Quickaffären i morgon tisdag. Svt driver sin "linje rättsskandal" med fyra olika program eller inslag före en debatt mellan GW, Dan Josefsson och mig. Med den dramaturgin lär jag inte ha nån chans. Det är skönt att i stället ha rätt."

Man baxnar. Hans avslutande mening kan man minnas från nån sandlåda i ett gruff mellan 4 - 5 åringar.

Bagdad Bob - ni minns Saddam Hussein handgångne man - har här sin överman. Man kan ju undra hur karl´n egentligen mår.

onsdag 30 oktober 2013

20 years of research have saved thousands of lives - Propoxyphene is now banned almost all over the world

To whom it may concern

We will hereby tell you about our research on the fatal painkiller Propoxyphene and are now sending some links to our social media. This shows how two people – for example we to – are able to influence one very serious question - worldwide - to get a fatal painkiller – Propoxyphene (Darvon & Darvocet) -  banned in almost the whole world.

One tweet:

There could be about 178 000 fatalities due to Darvon & Darvocet in US during 1982-2010(29 years) http://bit.ly/1fKUZFZ 

Thanks to these social media - Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and YouTube - have we been able to fight part of Big Pharma in US (primarily Eli Lilly) – and the rest of the world. 

Our research has saved thousands of lives and will save even more lives in the future. Three years ago (October 2010) was the substance Propoxyophene ( Darvon & Darvocet) banned in US, and since then hundreds of lawyers have been working on the coming trials. It will start with hundreds of trials and the damages will probably be many hundreds of million dollars – and lot of lives will be saved. 

We have worked 20 years to achieve this. Please visit some of our social media,






Kind regards

Ulf Jonasson, Doctor in Public Health
Birgitta Jonasson, PhD

onsdag 2 oktober 2013

Can we detect any cases at all with Propoxyphene - Darvon and Darvocet - in Los Angeles County?

Part 2.

Data from Los Angeles County

During these three years there was not a single case where Propoxyphene was found among the dead in Florida - according to their databases

In 2003 came a change - which has continued in the coming years. In that year there were 356 people who had Propoxyphene in the blood when they died. Of these 356 individuals there were estimates that Propoxyphene alone have caused death in 108 cases and in 248 cases were found also substance in the blood sample.

It is also reported that Propoxyphene as single and deadly substance was present in 73 cases, while Propoxyphene plus other drugs were found in 283 persons.

Thus, we can observe that in the year 2003356 people were poisoned to death because of Propoxyphene in Florida and that the preparation of the same year were prescribed in 24 015 000 cases and it was consumed 92,709 kg in the whole country.

In all scientific contexts, it belongs that scientists read what other scientists in their own filed in the world published by the latest news - both within and outside the country - and thus spread the new and most current research to colleagues worldwide.

In 1998 - 2000 we published most of our scientific papers ( 6-7) and we know that these articles were read by many forensic pathologists worldwide.

Probably some MD´s and other researches in Florida read our research when the year 2003 also was looking for DXP in forensic materials.

The Coroners is in some ways a more old-fashioned system

We have taken a closer look at the country's largest county, Los Angeles County, with roughly 10 million inhabitants. In many respects, these systems have also been updated and become better, but there is still lack in terms of blood sampling - at least for Propoxyphene.

In the 2009 Annual Report - Los Angeles County Coroner,  2009 Annual Report - the last full year Propoxyphene were sold in the U S - the substance was banned on Nov. 19, 2010 - we find the explanation for why there were NO cases of poisoning to death because of Propoxyphene.

In Los Angeles County the specialists primarily sought for illegal drugs when they took blood samples from the dead. Under the heading “2009 Drugs by Classification, total cases of 2,622”

We found a division into six different groups of substances, namely;

Antidepressant – 442 cases
Antihistamines – 349  
Antipsychotics – 225
Muscle relaxants  127
Sedatives Hypnotics – 472 and finally
Narcotic Analgesics - 1,007 cases.

This showed clearly that the scientists at the Los Angeles County did not looked for Pro-poxypohene, although the substance is in the largest group Narcotics Analgesics - 1,007 of 2,622 cases, which is about 38 percent of all who had any of these six drug groups in their blood.

The LA county informed under the heading "Number of Cases with Drug Detected by Mode" in their Annual Book the numbers of Alcohol in the blood, Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth, Heroin, Phen, Club Drugs and 2,622 Drugs by classification - but they do not look for Propoxypohene.

Propoxyohene was in the group of 1,007 cases where we can find all kind of painkillers, that means ALL KIND OF PAINKILLERS - but no specific substances, and no PROPOXYPHENE

As any reader can see,  the organization within the U.S. Forensic Medicine cannot always be trusted.....

Ulf Jonasson,
Doctor of Public Health


4). Data from Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) in Florida. We used data from ”Drugs identified in Deceased Persons by Florida Examiners”. (US) 

5.) Data from “Los Angeles County Department of Coroner Annual Report.2009” (US) http://bit.ly/151bkzh

Ulf Jonasson, Doctor in Public Health
Birgitta Jonasson, Ph D

See also bit.ly/18Ay9ri and our CV http://bit.ly/NUSPQ4

Can we trust the Swedish forensic data - especially when it comes to Propoxyphene - Darvon & Darvocet?

Part 1

The answer is an unequivocal YES - at least when we talk about the years from January 1st, 1992 - to date.

The Swedish forensic organization - the National Board of Forensic Medicine – was formed on July 1st 1991. And from January 1st 1992 a new and very modern authority was introduced, which also focused on the latest research regarding such as the best toxicological methods to both regain that measure actual blood sample of the deceased and thus be able to determine what a person may have been poisoned to death by.

The feature of the new organization was that all forensics data would be under one authority, ie a comprehensive legislation would apply to all who belonged to forensic medicine.

The National Board of Forensic Medicine is an agency that works actively to ensure justice in Sweden. Legal issues of right and wrong cannot be resolved on dubious grounds: they must have a solid basis in fact. Additional facts can often be provided through expert analyses and assessments performed by chemists, biologists, doctors, psychologists and counsellors. All this expertise has been accumulated in a single public agency – the National Board of Forensic Medicine.

The blood sampling came to be a very important contribution, which meant that a blood sample would be taken of the deceased as soon as possible on the closest legal medical department - and that blood would be tested against all the medicines - legal drugs - pre-scribed drugs by doctors plus alcohol.

If police or prosecutors wanted to know about the deceased person had narcotic drugs, such as morphine, heroin, amphetamines, or anything else that was not allowed in the blood - the blood sample were checked against these illegal substances.

These fairly simple rules have proven to be very reliable. The blood samples were collected on roughly 90% of the deceased persons, some very young and some very old could sometimes be missing.

The Swedish forensic system has been widely appreciated worldwide. Similar systems have the other two Scandinavian countries Norway and Denmark.

Do I trust the American legal medical system?

Not to the same degree as the Swedish system, but Forensic data in U.S. is getting better nowadays, but still there are major deficiencies in some of the current players. I will briefly describe forensic system in US.

In US there are two different systems in the Forensic Medical world – The Medical Examiners and The Coroner system. It is also very important to mention that there are some 3,400 counties in US – and that makes it more complicated.

The Medical Examiners is an organization with significantly higher trained physicians than The Coroners and that puts more emphasis at forensic examinations, blood test and so on.

The Coroners are investigators more than Medical Doctors, and usually MD's are very important to decide the cause of death.... 

The Swedish Forensic MD's are very well educated, first they are MD´s, then they have several years of special training and after that there are quite many MD´s that also take a PhD

In our work we have used a lot of data from FDLE - The Florida Department of Law Enforcement - and these data are available for those who wish to receive them through FDLE's web-site.

Most of the data is good, a lot of even very good, but when it comes Propoxyhene we found some serious flaws.

In Florida lived an average of 16,363,000 persons under the years that we examined. During the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, there was not one single case of Propoxyphene of the investigated deaths.

During the same years (2000 - 2002), the consumption of Propoxyphene in the US were Year:

2000              98,670 kg,
2001              97,208 respective
2002              110,041 kg (total for three years, 

the total consumption was:

Total              305,900 kg.

(Data from the INCB - The International Narcotic Control Board in Vienna, an organization under the WHO - World Health Organization).

Under the three years (2000 - 2002) large amounts of Propoxyphene were written out. 

In 2000 it was   27 001,000 prescriptions,
In 2001 it was   27 315,000 prescriptions and
In 2002 it was   25 197,000 prescriptions.

Total              79 513, 000 prescriptions for three years, an average of 26 504,000/year.

In conclusion, it is consumed very large quantities of Propoxyphene during the three years mentioned, the number of prescriptions was very high.

Something has obviously missed when there were no people at all who had Propoxyphene in the blood at the death. However, the following year, the staff began measuring Propoxyphenet ...

Ulf Jonasson, Doctor in Public Health
Birgitta Jonasson, Ph D


1). Data from the National Board of Forensic Medicine. (Sweden). 

2). Data from INCB – International Narcotic Control Board – consumption figures about DXP during the years 1982 – 2010. (Vienna, Austria). http://bit.ly/SFIIop

3). Data from DrugTopics, we use data from “Top 200 Generic Drug by Prescription from the years 2000 – 2011 about DXP. (US). http://bit.ly/19f5w8H

to be continued….

onsdag 18 september 2013

523 000 persons in the world could have been poisoned to death due to Dextropropoxyphene (DXP) during 1985 - 2011


Press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC on September 10th 2013.

About 178 000 fatalities due to Darvon & Darvocet in US in 29 years.

About 134 000 fatalities in India between 1985-2011 (27) as a result of DXP use.

About 4,500 people died in Sweden as a result of DXP use during     the 24 years 1982-2005. 

The basic data in Drs Jonasson studies is from Forensic Medicine in Sweden (1) during the years 1992-1999 (8 years). The consumption of DXP in Sweden during the eight years was 19,185 kg, 2,398 kg per year. This can be broken down further to give the average consumption in kg per individual death; 2,398 kg a year caused 199 fatalities per year. For every 12,05 kg consumed one person died. 

The consumption in the world was during 1985-2011 a total of 6 282 620 kg, which could mean that  523 000 persons could have been poisoned to death. No consumption data 1957-1984 (28 years) were

We estimate that as many as around 178 000 persons in US can have been poisoned to death due to  the painkilling substance Propoxyphene during the years 1982-2010 (29 years).The best known  trademarks have been Darvon and Darvocet.

The consumption in kg of DXP during these years are 2 153 387 kg (2). An average consumption per year was 74 255 kg, and the number of fatalities during every year could be 74 255/12=6,188 people. 

The number of prescriptions on Propoxyphene during the years 2000-2010 (11 years) were 244 828 000 – average per year was 22 250 000 prescriptions (3). During the rest of the years when the drug was available - 1957-1981 - we have no figures on consumption or no prescription data in US.

India has been the second biggest consumer of Propoxyphene – next to the US – and when applying  the Swedish reference ratio of 12,05 kg DXP consumed fatality suggest that there have been 134 383 fatalities in India between 1985-2011 (27) as a result of DXP use. The consumption was 1,613,539, an average of 59,727 kg/year. This equates to an average of 4,977 fatalities a year.

During the year 1982–2005 (24 years) the consumption of DXP in Sweden amounted 48 639 kg.(1,2) Applying the Raito of 12.05 of DXP per fatality we estimate that some 4,503 people died as a result of DXP use during the 24 years 1982-2005. This equated to 162 people a year.

Banning the drug was first done in Sweden  in three stages from 2001 and March 2011, in UK the drug phased out from 2007, in EU (European Union, 27 countries) from 2009 – 2011, in US the drug was banned in November 2010 and in May  2013 the substance finally was banned in India. 

These data were presented at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC by Dr Ulf Jonasson, Sweden. Drs Ulf and Birgitta Jonasson have studied the painkilling substance Propoxyphene (DXP) more than 20 years and now – for the first time ever - presented comprehensive data from the years 1982 – 2010. 


1). Data from the National Board of Forensic Medicine. (Sweden). 

2). Data from INCB – International Narcotic Control Board – consumption figures about DXP during the years 1982 – 2010. (Vienna, Austria).

3). Data from DrugTopics, we use data from “Top 200 Generic Drug by Prescription from the years 2000 – 2011 about DXP. (US).

4). Data from Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) in Florida. We used data from ”Drugs identified in Deceased Persons by Florida Examiners”. (US) and from Los Angeles County Department of Coroner Annual Report. (US)

Ulf Jonasson, Doctor in Public Health and Birgitta Jonasson, Ph D

See also  and our CV http://bit.ly/NUSPQ4

tisdag 10 september 2013

Around 178 000 fatalities due to Darvon and Darvocet in US in 29 years


From my press conference Tues 10 th 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington DC


We estimate that as many as around 178 000 persons in US can have been poisoned to death due to the painkilling substance Propoxyphene during the years 1982-2010 (29 years).The best known trademarks have been Darvon and Darvocet.

The consumption in kg of DXP during these years are 2 153 387 kg (2). An average consumption per year was 74 255 kg, and the number of fatalities during every year could be 74 255/12=6,188 people.

The number of prescriptions on Propoxyphene during the years 2000-2010 (11 years) were 244 828 000 – average per year was 22 250 000 prescriptions (3). During the rest of the years when the drug was available - 1957-1981 - we have no figures on consumption or no prescription data in US.

These data was presented at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC by Dr Ulf Jonasson, Sweden. Drs Ulf and Birgitta Jonasson have studied the painkilling substance Propox-yphene (DXP) more than 20 years and now – for the first time ever - presented comprehensive data from the years 1982 – 2010.

During the year 1982–2005 (24 years) the consumption of DXP in Sweden amounted 48 639 kg.(1,2) Applying the Raito of 12.05 of DXP per fatality we estimate that some 4,503 people died as a result of DXP use during the 24 years 1982-2005. This equated to 162 people a year.
India has been the second biggest consumer of Propoxyphene – next to the US – and when applying the Swedish reference ratio of 12,05 kg DXP consumed fatality suggest that there have been 134 383 fatalities in India between 1985-2011 (27) as a result of DXP use. The consumption was 1,613,539, an average of 59,727 kg/year. This equates to an average of 4,977 fatalities a year.
The basic data in Drs Jonasson studies is from Forensic Medicine in Sweden during the years 1992-1999 (8 years). The consumption of DXP in Sweden during the eight years was 19,185 kg, 2,398 kg per year. This can be broken down further to give the average consumption in kg per individual death; 2,398 kg a year caused 199 fatalities per year. For every 12,05 kg consumed one person died.
Propoxyphene is now banned in most parts of the world. Banning the drug was first done in Sweden in three stages from 2001 and March 2011, in UK the drug phased out from 2007, in EU (European Union, 27 countries) from 2009 – 2011, in US the drug was banned in November 2010 and in May 2013 the substance finally was banned in India.
The consumption in the world was during 1985-2011 a total of 6 282 620 kg, which could mean that 523 000 persons could have been poisoned to death. No consumption data 1957-1984 (28 years) were available. 
Sources: 1). Data from the National Board of Forensic Medicine. (Sweden). 2) Data from INCB – International Narcotic Control Board – consumption figures about DXP during the years 1982 – 2010. (Vienna, Austria).3) Data from DrugTopics, we use data from “Top 200 Generic Drug by Prescription from the years 2000 – 2011 about DXP. (US). 4). Data from Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) in Florida. We used data from ”Drugs identified in Deceased Persons by Florida Examiners”. (US) and from Los Angeles County Department of Coroner Annual Report. (US)
Ulf Jonasson, Doctor in Public Health                                            Birgitta Jonasson, PhD

onsdag 4 september 2013

Press conference about Darvon - Darvocet at The National Press Club in DC‏ Sept, 10th

In Re: Darvocet, Darvon and Propoxyphene Products Liability Litigation MDL 2226 
Dear Sirs,
I hereby inform you that I will give a press conferenc about the painkilling substance (Dextro) Propoxyphene (DXP) - Darvon and Darvocet - Tues 9/10 at 10 AM at the National Press Club in Washington DC - in the Bloomberg Room.
The press conference will start with a lecture - titled:
 " Estimating Excess Mortality from Dextropropoxyphene (DXP) use/prescriptions in the USA between 1982 - 2010, Sweden between 1982 - 2005 and India between 1985 -2011" by Ulf Jonasson, Doctor in Public Health and Birgitta Jonasson, PhD
This is the first time ever that anyone tries to estimate the number of fatalities due to Dextropropoxyphene over time. The figures for the US - are extremely interesting - and I will present data for the years 1982-2010 (29 years) for the US, and also some very interesting data about India and Sweden.
As I said before - no one else has the data we have. Interesting isn´t? 
I will give a press conference at The National Press Club in DC Tues 9/10 at 10 AM about Propoxyphene  
I hope to see you at the press conference.
Kind Regards
Ulf Jonasson
Ulf Jonasson
Doctor in Public Health (DrPH) and Journalist
Lövdalsvägen 5, SE-640 20 Björkvik, Sweden
Phone:+46(0)155 714 55 Cellphone:+46(0)730 23 26 00

tisdag 3 september 2013

Darvon, Darvocet are fatal drugs

September 10, 2013 10:00 AM
News conferences Add to calendar
Location: Bloomberg Room

For the first time ever, one researcher will present – and estimate - the number of fatal poisonings in the United States due to the drugs Darvon and Darvocet - which contains the substance Propoxy-phene.

We have got these data from a number of databases in several countries and are now able to present startling data.

Eli Lilly introduced the drug in the U.S. in 1957 and it became a best-selling drug over the years. Hardly any painkillers have caused so many deadly poisonings as these have done and it took a very long time – to 2010 – before the drug was banned. Now the drug is banned all over the world.

If you wonder how many fatalities the drug caused during all these years, we will give you some answers.....

Two Swedish researchers – Drs Ulf & Birgitta Jonasson - have worked 20 year to stop the drug, and now it is done. Ulf Jonasson - Doctor in Public Health - will now present these amazing results at the National Press Club.

How many fatal poisonings can Darvon/Darvocet have caused in the US over the years 1982 - 2010? (29 years). Darvon is an opioid, related to Methadone. During the years 2000-2010 there were 244 828 000 prescriptions of the substance in USA. The consumption in kg during the same time was 923 635 kg
The inhabitants in US consumed 80% of all painkillers in the world during one year, and US has 4,5% of all inhabitants in the wold. How could that be possible?

Hundreds of trails will soon start in Kentucky…..

If you want more information about the press-conference please contact me; 

fredag 14 juni 2013

( Min) SLÄKT vare det här...


Generation 1.

Ulf Jonasson, Frösön
Född 16/9 1942

Gift med Birgitta Jonasson, Uppsala
Född 13/3 1948 – Gifta 2/5 1992

Generation 2.

Mor: Anna Tåquist, Risselås, Strömsund
Född 4/4 1912. Gifta ……. Död 17 maj 1989

Far: Nils Jonasson, Hallom, Myssjö
Född 29/8 1908. Död 17/1 1989

Generation 3.

Morfar: Daniel Tåquist, Brattbäcken, Tåsjö
Född den 21/12 1872. Död 5/11 1937

Mormor: Juliana Jönsdotter, Risselås, Ström
Född 25/7 1877. Gifta    Död 18/1 1956

Generation 4.

Morfars far: Förre nämndemannen och kommunordförande
Anders Daniel Tåquist
Född 25/5 1831. Död1/2 1911

Morfars mor: Brita Sara Dorotea Andersdotter
Född 20/1 1835. Gift 31/10 1858. Död 4/2 1899

Generation 5.

Morfars farfar, Fjärdingsman Isak Tåquist, Tåsjö
Född 14/4 1797. Död 18/3 1852

Morfars farmor: Anna Lisa Wikström
Född 18/1 1799. Gift 14/10 1821. Död 24/12 1889

Generation 6.

Morfars farfars far. Anders Wikstöm, Brattbäcken
Född 27/11. 1770. Död 18/2 1853

Morfars farfars mor. Sara Mattsdotter
Född 1772. Död ?

Generation 7.

Rustmästaren i Ström, bonden i Tåsjö
Mf, ff, ff - Jöns Wikström, Rörnäset. Omgift
Född 21/6 1737. Död 2/9 1802

1)     Mf, ff, fm. - Christina Greta Oldberg
Född 11/12 1738. Död   1778

Generation 8.

Mf, ff, ff, f, Olof Oldberg, Hammerdal
Född 8/11 1703. Död 1761

Mf, ff, ff, m – Kristina Norea
Född 18/9 1691. Död

Generation 9.

Anders Oldberg, Lit
Född 1668. Död 1719

Christina Drake, Lit
Född 1670. Död 28/8 1744

Generation 10.

Elias Oldberg, Lit
Född 1640. Död……

Maria Embdeman
Född 1667. Död 31/12 1715

Generation 11.

Kopparslagaren, Herredagsmannen
Olof Olofsson, Oldberg, Näs
Född 1600, Dog 1677

Brita Persdotter.
Född… Gift 1621, Död

Maria Embdemans far
Kyrkoherde Johan Embdeman, Opdalen Norga

Generation 12.

Peder Jönsson, Hov Hackås,
Född. 1580. Död 1641

Brita Mårtensdotter

Generation 13.

Länsman Jens Pedersson, Hov
Född 1540. Död


Kyrkoherde Martinus Laurenti, Torps, Medelpad

Elisabeth Carlsdotter

Generation 14.

Jordägaren i Hov
Per (Peder) Örjansson
Född ca 1510. Död

Generation 15.

Lagman, Väpnaren Örjan Karlsson, Hackås
Född 1470. Död 1530

Anne Karlsdotter
Född 1480. Död 1551

Generation 16.

Jordägare i Hov Karl Örjansson
Född 1440 i Hackås. Död 1484 i Hackås

Generation 17.

Riddaren, Hövitsmannen Örjan Karlsson, Skaank (Skunk)
Född 1400. Död 1474

Margret Jensdotter
Född 1420. Död ?

Generation 18.

Jordägare Karl ( Carolous) Pedersson, Hov, Hackås
”Gamle Karl på Hov”
Född 1360. Död 1430

Radgerd (Rådgärd) Kettilsdotter
Född 1380. Död 1445