Dear Selena at NPR and other media
I found your article ”The real
cost of the opioid epidemic: An Estimated
$179 Billion In Just 1 year”
real intesting. I have missed an overview like this. My PhD was at The Nordic School
of Public Health and I feel quite familiar with the questions, how to calculate
the different parameters
Do you have any comments on my tweets? For me, it is quite natural that the
opiate Propoxyphene (DXP) started this terrible epidemic, Already in 1957. In
the United States you are talking about the mid or late 1990s (1996 - 1999).
We have been researching and working with this material for 25 years. US
authorities and the media do not want to realize the truth. Honestly, no
researcher - neither in the US or any other country - has worked and published
as much about an opiate as we are.
I believe that American society is embarrassed that two unknown Swedish
researchers - who have published, among other things, 7 scientific articles and
two doctoral dissertations - presented at Uppsala University (2000) and the
Nordic School of Health (2001).
Why does American society and the media not accept that their data on
opiates is outdated? The opiate epidemic did not begin in 1996-1999 as they
believe, but when Propoxyphene (Darvon and Darvocet) began to be sold in the
United States as early as 1957. We have reliable figures that show it.